Lexington St. Patrick's Parade and Festival Sponsors


The Alltech Lexington St. Patrick’s Parade and Festival is planning its return to downtown Lexington on Saturday, March 11. One of the longest running civic activities in Lexington, parade and festival sponsors help make the event possible.

The following sponsorships are available:

Sponsorships AvailableSponsorship LevelSponsorship Opportunities
Naming Sponsor (1)SOLD– Naming rights for parade and festival events
– Parade entry fee included with Section A placement
– Concession vendor permit
– Parade and festival recognition throughout the day
– Company logo on parade and festival banners
– Mention in all media appearances
– Mention in all social media posts
– Mention in all news releases
– Year-long listing on website recognizing contributions to event
Parade Sponsor (5)$500– Parade entry fee included with Section A placement
– Parade recognition by emcees
– Company logo on parade banners
– Individual social media post
– Mention with other parade sponsors on website blog post
– Year-long listing on website recognizing contributions to event
Festival Sponsor (5)$500– Festival recognition by emcees throughout the day
– Information booth at festival (if requested)
– Option to present an entertainer live onstage
– Company logo on festival banners
– Individual social media post
– Mention with other festival sponsors on website blog post
– Year-long listing on website recognizing contributions to event
Friends of the Parade and Festival Sponsors$25-$49 – Friends

$50-$149 – Supporters

$150+ – Patrons
– Year-long listing on website recognizing contributions to event
In-kind SponsorshipsOrganizations, businesses, media companies who donate in-kind services to the parade and festival– Parade or festival booth entry fee
– Information booth at festival
– Individual social media post
– Mention with other in-kind sponsors on website blog post
– Year-long listing on website recognizing contributions to event

If you are interested in sponsoring the Alltech Lexington St. Patrick’s Parade and Festival at any of these levels, please email [email protected] for payment information. Checks may also be dropped off at Failte Irish Imports at 113 South Upper Street in downtown Lexington.